Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Remedial Massage etc.
Sports Massage has been around for decades, however it was usually only professional, or semi-professional athletes that would have this treatment to keep them in peak condition. However, in the past few years, as more and more people have joined gyms, taken up long distance running or other sporting activities, it has been gaining popularity in the mainstream.
Other than the normal massage strokes used in traditional massage, such as effleurage and petrissage, there a number of other specific techniques used to de-stress and condition the muscles and soft tissue e.g. MET and PNF stretching, Trigger point therapy and Myofascial release.
Muscles are arranged in various layers and compartments throughout your body, they overlap each and often work together. Sports Massage focuses, not only on the surface muscles, but also on the deeper underlying muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons. Deep tissue massage, as the name suggests also focuses on same muscles and tissue.
Whatever you call it, whether “Sports massage” or “Deep tissue massage” it’s all about what you, as an individual want to achieve from your massage! A good therapist should not only have an extensive knowledge of human anatomy, but also the practical “hands on” skill to achieve what you want.
Pain and stiffness is not only caused by physical activity, it can be caused by the lack of activity! This is often the case with people who spend lots of time stuck in one position, sitting at desks or driving, for example. Muscles also tighten up when you get emotionally stressed and can often remain tight and painful for a very long time.
How does Deep Tissue Massage work?
When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limit movement and cause inflammation.
Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement.
Deep Tissue & Sports Massage can help to decongest and improve the condition of the muscles and fascia, which will alleviate the symptom.
Regular massages can also help to increase Lymphatic circulation and regulate the flow of fluid throughout the entire body. This nourishes and cleanses cells, flushes the body of harmful wastes and toxins, increases resistance to sickness and disease.
Who would benefit from Deep Tissue Massage or Sports Massage?
Pretty much anybody! My youngest client is a 13 year old GB team gymnast and my oldest client is a 94 year old ex-engineer.
I regularly treat a number of conditions as listed below:
- Neck and Shoulder pain
- Upper and Lower Back pain
- Tension headaches
- RSI in forearms, hands and wrists
- Shoulder pain
- Tennis elbow
- Tight calves and hamstrings
- Knee pain (runners knee)
- Whiplash
- Plantar fasciitis